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About ClinHub

  • ClinHub is committed to supporting clinics facing staffing challenges by providing top-tier, cost-effective staffing solutions. Our team brings extensive experience managing clinician practices and remote teams to ClinHub. We are committed to sourcing and vetting standout providers across the board.

  • Our primary goals at ClinHub are to enhance patient access to clinics, provide consistent backup for clinic providers, and minimize disruptions in patient care caused by staff turnover. We incorporate our streamlined telehealth services into existing clinic standard operating procedures, further standardizing the use of telehealth and virtual care services at the clinics we serve.

  • We incorporate in-clinic telemedicine exams that mimic the in-person experience and include comprehensive physical assessments with remote auscultation, heart rhythm analysis, and high-definition camera views. As a valuable supplement, we equip our clients with the necessary training to conduct in-clinic video consultations across their sites, reducing dependence on external staffing services.

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